A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. Jesus often told parables to the crowd that followed him. All the parables in the new testament are about the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God doesn't have a specific address on earth, like Buckham's Palace. Rather, the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom located in heaven and on earth and God is the Kingdom and Jesus is the entrance point to enter and remain in the Kingdom of God.
14. Parable of the the Hidden Treasure & the Pearl
15. Parable of the Net
16. Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
17. Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
1. Parable of the Sower
2. Parable of the Good Samaritan
5. Parable of the Great Banquet
6. Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Matthew 13:1-17 [meaning explained in Matthew 13:18-24]
- Luke 8:1-10 [meaning explained in Luke 8:11-15]
- Point in one sentence: The seed is the word of God and when we hear the word of God and understand the word of God about the Kingdom of God the seed is growing in our hearts.
- Luke 10:30-37 [meaning explained in Luke 10:25-29]
- Point in one sentence: The only way to enter into eternal life is to love your neighbor showing it by action; even loving your worst enemy by showing it in action.
- Luke 12:13-20 [meaning explained in Luke 10:21]
- Point in one sentence: Give to God first, and be aware of worldly desires as they can distract you from loving God first.
- Luke 12:18-21
- Point in one sentence: The growth of the Kingdom of God starts off as a small seed [word] and grows into something huge [like a tree]!
- Luke 14:15-24 [meaning explained in Luke 14:1-14]
- Point in one sentence: Any person regardless of nationality or race can live in the Kingdom of God, should they accept Jesus as their Lord.
- Luke 15:1-6 [meaning explained in Luke 15:7]
- Point in one sentence: Jesus Christ will continue to accept sinners who backslide. Jesus wants them to be born-again so they can live for him in the Kingdom of God.
7. Parable of the Lost Coin

- Luke 15:8-9 [meaning explained in Luke 15:10]
- Point in one sentence: Jesus Christ will continue to accept sinners who backslide. Jesus wants them to be born-again so they can live for him in the Kingdom of God.

- Luke 15:11-20 [meaning explained in Luke 15:10]
- Point in one sentence: Jesus Christ will continue to accept sinners who backslide. Jesus wants them to be born-again so they can live for him in the Kingdom of God.

9. Parable of the Shrewd Man
- Luke 16:1-13 [meaning explained in Luke 16:14-15]
- Point in one sentence: Men justify themselves in the eyes of others [showing off their possessions], but God knows our hearts. What people value highly [the things that can be seen such as materialism] is detestable in God’s sight.
10. Parable of the Persistent Widow

- Luke 18:2-6 [meaning explained in Luke 18:6-8, Luke 18:1]
- Point in one sentence: Always pray and never give up!
- Luke 18:9-14 [meaning explained in Luke 18:14]
- Point in one sentence: Self-humility is not Godly humility. God humility will lead to our exaltation from God and self-humility is pride and leads to destruction.

12. Parable of the Ten Minas

- Luke 19:11-25 [meaning explained in Luke 19:26]
- Point in one sentence: Jesus expects born-again believers to grow the Kingdom of God based upon what has been given to them.

13. Parable of the Tenants

- Luke 20:9-19
- Point in one sentence: God, the father has sent many servants to tell people to enter into his Kingdom. Unfortunately, the servants God sent were harmed because the people did not want to enter into God's kingdom. Instead, they wanted to remain in darkness.

14. Parable of the the Hidden Treasure & the Pearl
- Matthew 14:44-46
- Point in one sentence: The Kingdom of God is so valuable, that it's worth give up your worldly desires, wealth, etc.
- Matthew 14:47-52
- Point in one sentence: The unrighteous and righteous will be seperated at the end of the age. The unrighteous will spend eternity in hell, and the righteous will spend eternity with Jesus in the Kingdom of God/Heaven.
- Matthew 18:21-35
- Point in one sentence: Jesus will accept us into the Kingdom of God, no matter our past. We have to come him, repent of our sins, and then be born again.
- Matthew 20:1-16
- Point in one sentence: Grace to enter into the Kingdom is given to the obedient despite their position or titles or years of service to the Lord.
18. Parable of the Two Sons
- Matthew 21:28-32
- Point in one sentence: The obedient and humble are entering into the Kingdom of God ahead of those who are prideful and disobedient.
19. Parable of the Ten Virgins
- Matthew 25:1-13
- Point in one sentence: We have to be ready for the return of Jesus. We should never let the light inside of us burn out.
- Note: The oil and fire represent the Holy Spirit. The bride is the the bride of Christ [individual, and collective], and the groom is Jesus Christ.
20. Parable of the Growing Seed
21. Parable of the Wine-skins
- Mark 4:26-29
- Point in one sentence: At the end of the age the Kingdom of God would have grown so much, that it will be time for harvest.
- Note: The farmer is God, the harvest happens at the end of the age in which the bride of Christ will be raptured up.
21. Parable of the Wine-skins
- Luke 5:33-39
- Point in one sentence: Jesus Christ was introducing the Law of the Spirit & Covenant of Grace to the Kingdom of God to the Jews who were under the Covenant of the Law.
22. Parable of the Weeds
- Matthew 13:24-30
- Point in one sentence: COMING SOON